Responding to Distress Safely Program

This program provides organisations with an evidence-based framework to protect employees, respond to distress when it arises and to prevent distress from escalating. This will help organisations build a safety system to mitigate risk of further harm.

Distress is the physical or emotional response a person experiences when a situation becomes overwhelming.

Support the health and safety of all employees.

Adapt to legislative change.

Actively protect against harm & prevent risk.

Build capability across the organisation to ensure all employees receive the best practice care.

Respond and act early.

Responding to Distress Safely Program

Our program consists of several components which can be implemented as a package or as stand alone initiatives.

Peer Support Community

Responding to Distress Tool

Wellbeing Coaching

    • 20% of your organisation actively participate in the Peer Support Network.

    • Enhance the Interpersonal skills of the members of the Peer Support Network.

    • Empower the Peer Support Network with the resources and confidence to initiate authentic conversations that enhance employee safety and wellbeing to optimise performance.

    • Anyone who has a passion for supporting wellbeing is invited to join the Peer Support Network.

    • The Network should comprise of all levels of authority from graduate positions to senior leadership roles and represent diversity of the organisation.

    • As a Network member, you will  be onboarded into the community and be invited to the Network events hosted throughout the year.

    • The events are designed to facilitate learning and to promote mingling to strengthen connections among members.

  • We will work with you to customise our model to suit your organisations operating environment. We will assist in creating an implementation plan for your community and lead the initial onboarding program. Additionally, we'll help build your organisational capability for onboarding future members and support you in identifying topics for future network events.

    • Recognise visible signs of distress among employees in various work environments (office and remote).

    • Offer clear, actionable steps for responding to someone in distress, both during the incident and in follow-up.

    • Increase confidence and capability within the organisation to respond to distress effectively and safely.

    • An evidenced based tool that will give employees a safe and standardised response to distress.

    • Training modules for introducing the tool to its users.

    • A model for implementing the tool within your organisation

    • Wellbeing Outfit works with clients to align the tool with their existing structures and processes.

    • We help the client engage key stakeholders across the organisation.

    • Wellbeing Outfit provides training on the Responding to Distress tool and assists in building organisational capability for ongoing training requirements.

    • Wellbeing Outfit collaborates with the client to create an effective implementation model for the program.

    • Identify the barriers to maximising wellbeing

    • Develop an wellbeing action plan for improving your wellbeing.

    • Implement your action plan to manage distress and improve wellbeing.

  • Our coaching sessions aim to design, build and live your story of you being at your best.

    Design you story explores, the work and/or personal challenges being experienced, and helps to understand the environment in which the person is operating in.

    Build Your Story helps the coachee create a wellbeing action plan by identifying current strategies, evaluating their effectiveness, and discovering any additional strategies that could be beneficial.

    Live your story supports the coachee to implement their plan by being available to tackle challenges that arise in the plans implementation.

    • Coaching sessions are one hour in length.

    • We have coaching tools that may be employed to support the coachee during the session.

Our Delivery Team

Jono Nicholas

Founder & Managing Director

Jono is one of Australia’s leading mental health experts. He is a passionate advocate for harnessing emerging technologies to deliver better mental health and wellbeing services. Jono also holds the position of Chief Mental Health Advisor for EY Oceania.

Carolyn Morey

Head of Operations

Carolyn’s career in public and mental health spans both Australia and Europe. Carolyn led an Irish research team for the European Child and Adolescent Self Harm in Europe (CASE) Study, one of the largest ever Irish mental health studies ever completed. She holds a Masters in Public Health.

Judith Parke

Managing Director, UK

Judith is a seasoned executive leader, public speaker and facilitator. She has a Masters in Psychology and English, a Diploma in Positive Psychology, and is a qualified WorkPlace Mediator.

Our engagement process